
Monday 28 November 2011


In the morning we have a class.
We learn how to use a compass and a map, about minerals, Earth facts, Scavenger hunt and start our project.
The lunch menu is:
Starters: Macarroni,
Main course: Chicken and chips
Dessert: Flan.
After lunch we have free time.
Some people go to candy shop.
In the afternoon we have another class.
After class we have a snack and then we have a class with Maria del Mar and Manolo and
we write this post.
The excursion in the morning is fantastic because we look for twenty things and we have got 18!

Written by Andrea Mendoza, Raúl Rosas, Pau Agustina and Andrea Bono.



J.Manuel Bono said...

First we see that you estais happening very well, though there are few photos, jajajaja.
Good a kiss for all and especially for Andrea Bono

lucia salvador fernanmdez said...

hola soc lucia de 6b:
Que heu passeu molt pero que molt be, ja he vist la foto que has pengat maria del mar.Perfavor dir lis als meus compañs de 6b i tots els altres que us desitgem lo millor posible per pasoro be i que els faltem a rebre.
bona nit la compaña de 6b

ja anirem parlant, besets


Thanks for your comments, family. You can see lots and lots of photos in the YMCA blog. Follow the link on the post: FIRST DAY.


Lucía, thank you so much. We are very happy to read your comment.
We miss you too.
Go on visiting our blog.
How is it going at school?

J.Manuel Bono said...

Thanks, we've seen the pictures and what we have known many friends are going through everyone s well. Good night.

Charo Monfort said...

Hi guys, I see what you are going through great. Learn everything you teach, and have fun a lot. A kiss for everyone, especially to Miriam Prades of her parents and sister

Conchi Edo said...

Nos alegramos de que lo esteis pasando tan bien. Abrigaros bien que parece que hace mucho frío, sobre todo por la noche.
Un abrazo para todos y muchos besos para Anabel Alvarez.
Juanmi y Conchi