Yesterday for dinner we have:
-Starters:Russian salad
-Main couse: Salad and cordon blue
-Dessert:Strawberry yoghurt
After we play a game: Party & Co. In the game there are : Pictionary, Create a story, Mime a film and Taboo.
At night Didrey, the Australian teacher, explains a story from her country.
Today we go to a short excursion .
Santi(teacher) talk us about flora in the forest.
Then we watch a video about the process of honey and after we play funny game: Egg drop.
For lunch we have:
-Starters: Beans
-Main coure: Chips and pig.
-Dessert: Chocolate pudding.
After we have free time. We play basket, football, rugby and make a bracelet.
And then we have class.
WRITTEN BY: Celia García, Irene Robledo, Pablo Andrés and Patricia Obrejea.